Wal-Mart proposal to be aired again

In an attempt to further any construction plans, Wal-Mart officials will be presenting scope documents to Town of Sweden officials. The scope documents are a draft of items that show where, and what, needs to be tested and studied before they can move ahead with their dreams of building a 203,500 super store in Sweden.

Officials from Wal-Mart met with a full-house of opposition to their proposal at a January 13 meeting. "Retail imperialism" is what resident Jan Benham called the proposed super store during that meeting.

Wal-Mart hopes to construct their store on a 21.3 acre lot approximately one mile east of the intersections of Routes 31 and 19 in Brockport. It would involve extensive road improvements and upgrades. The store, officials say, would feature 36 general merchandise departments, a grocery department, one-hour photo processing lab, pharmacy and a tire and lube area. The tire and lube area would host an eight bay garage area that would be used mainly for installation of items purchased in the store or for oil changes.

Residents in the area voiced concerns at the last meeting about the traffic congestion the store’s construction would cause.

Residents are invited to a public hearing on April 21 at the Brockport High School. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. At that meeting Wal-Mart officials will be presenting their thoughts on what they feel will need to be studied to put together a comprehensive plan for town officials to consider.