New officers installed at Ferris-Goodridge Post

New officers at Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post 330 are: Michael J. Schwartz, Commander; Tim Howard, SAL President; Betty Wieme, Auxiliary President; Gary Reichert, First Vice Commander; Jane Decker, 2nd Vice Commander; Rocky Piloroscia, 3rd Vice Commander; Bill Ornt, Adjutant; Don Lenhard, Finance Officer; Jerry Cunningham, Chaplain/Service Officer; Bob Bechtold, Historian; and, Mike Amering, Sergeant at Arms.

The following were elected to the Executive Board: Tom Burgio, Henry Dibble, Tom Eckler, Mike Reed, and Ted Rothenberg, Jr.

Men and women who served their country can keep the American Legion alive and active by joining the Ferris-Goodridge Post. Contact Rocky Piloroscia at 352-6691 for information. New members are welcome.