Report dead crows to assess risk from West Nile Virus

Monroe County health officials are once again requesting that residents report dead crows to them to assist in determining the level of risk to humans posed by West Nile Virus (WNV). "Crows appear to be the most susceptible to WNV and therefore serve as an early warning sign for us about the level of virus circulating in our community," said Health Director Dr. Andrew Doniger.

Dead bird reports are plotted on a map to identify geographic patterns. "While we are expecting to have a number of bird deaths from WNV this year, a heavy die-off in a particular area would prompt us to look more closely to determine if further actions are necessary to protect the health of residents living in that area," Doniger added.

Dead crows can be reported both by phone and online. A report-line - 234-9600 - has been set-up to receive information 24 hours a day. Reports can also be made online at the county's Web site: Click on the Public Health page to access the electronic form.

Crows are the only species that should be reported at this time. Crows, unlike other black-colored birds, are completely black - including their beak and feet - and are very large, usually over 1-1/2 feet long. It will only be necessary to test a small number of crows this year. Once reported, those birds not needed for testing should be double-bagged and disposed in the trash.

Health officials continue to stress the importance of draining standing water to reduce mosquito breeding sites and minimizing mosquito bites by using insect repellents with DEET and covering exposed skin when outdoors between dusk and dawn. Repellent should be washed off once inside for the evening.

While mosquitoes are already around, the species that most often carry WNV and that pose a greater risk to people, do not usually reach their peak until much later in the summer. Health Department staff conduct on-going surveillance for both adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae in various locations throughout the county. The data are used to determine when various mosquito species are at their peak volume.