Youth Center should be built
without raising taxes, Logel says

Republican County Legislator Tracy Logel said that unexpected revenues from the County mortgage tax should be set aside as a down payment on a Chili Youth Center. The County Legislature's Ways and Means Committee approved legislation that provides the Town of Chili with $375,000 in mortgage tax revenues, $50,000 more than was originally budgeted by the town.

"In my view, this added funding should be set aside as a down payment for the proposed Chili Youth Center," said Logel, a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Legislature's Republican Leadership. "In this economy, it is vital that we find a way to pay for important projects without raising taxes."

Logel stated in a press release that as town supervisor she would cut the town supervisor's salary and eliminate the taxpayer funded newsletter to help pay for the project. "It makes sense to roll back the increases in the supervisor's salary that have occurred during the Hendershott Administration. The town government should find the savings to fund this project so that taxpayers don't have to bear an added burden."

Logel criticized Hendershott's use of a taxpayer-funded newsletter, which costs thousands in mailing and printing costs every year. Logel argued that "taxpayers should not be expected to foot the bill for politically motivated mailings," adding that "the town could eliminate the page after page of pictures of the supervisor that currently appear in the newsletter, enabling the town to send out a smaller newsletter at significantly reduced cost. Alternatively, the town could eliminate postage entirely by providing the newsletter on the town web site and making copies available at the Chili Town Library."

When elected, Logel stated she plans on using spending reductions, including money saved from cutting the supervisor's salary and the town newsletter, to pay the annual cost of bonding for a new Youth Center.