Chili Seniors summer programs

Bridge - is played at the Chili Senior Center on Tuesday afternoons (except first Tuesday of month) beginning at 1 p.m. There is no fee to play. For more information call 889-6185.

AARP Defensive Driving Course - for adults age 50 and older on Friday, July 18 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chili Senior Center, 3235 Chili Avenue. After completion of the 2-day course, participants will receive a 10% reduction in liability and collision insurance. The certification is good for three years. The course is instructed by a certified AARP volunteer instructor. The fee is $10. To register, call 889-6185. Other classes are offered throughout the year. Call for dates.

Chili Senior Golf Group (Co-Ed) - on Mondays at Churchville Golf Course. Tee time: 1 p.m. Nine holes are played. Both men and women are invited to play. You must purchase your own greens fees. A senior pass (for those 62 and older) may be purchased at the pro shop. A tournament will be held at the end of the season. Call Art at 889-1232 for more information.

Summer Bowling - on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at AMF Olympic Bowl. The cost is $6.25 per week and includes three games of bowling, shoe rental, coffee and an end of season chicken roast and clam bake. Bowlers must provide own transportation. To register, call the senior center at 889-6185.

Long Term Care Options - a seminar, on Monday, June 30 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The seminar will discuss the growing need for nursing home and home health care. Participants will learn how it pertains to the aging population and the methods available to finance the long term care need. The program is free but advanced registration requested by calling 889-6185.