Book's unveiling turns into a party

They lined up at Lift Bridge Books waiting for the doors to open and the sales of the new Harry Potter book, The Order of the Phoenix to be placed into their hands. "We made up about 125 gift bags and they were gone," Lift Bridge owner Pat Kutz said. "We had a lot of young (and some not-so-young) kids in costumes."

Kutz and her staff opened the doors at 10:30 p.m. on Friday, June 20 in anticipation of the June 21 release date of the fifth Harry Potter book "The party started at 11 and we started selling the books at midnight."

Before the books were sold, kids were "sorted" into the various houses using Life Bridge's sorting hat. "We sorted the kids just like in the books ... some were happy with where they were sorted and some, you could tell, were hoping to be sorted to a different house," Kutz said. "Professors" were on hand to offer Quidditch training, potions and spells and charms. "I was the headmistress," Pat said. "So I was able to watch it all." At midnight the books were unveiled and the sales kicked off.

Lift Bridge hosts at least one blockbuster event a year, Kutz said. "We've had the author of the Red Wall series (Brian Jakes) and we've hosted an event for Jan Brett, author of The Mitten. Kutz said that as of Saturday afternoon the books were still selling at a brisk pace.

A $5 donation was made to the library of choice for everyone who purchased a Harry Potter book, Klutz said. "We're grateful for everyone who came and bought a book here last night," she said, adding that she is well aware that the larger chain stores sometimes offer deep discounts on books. Lift Bridge is one of the only independently owned bookstores in Monroe County, Kutz said, so she is thankful for everyone who stops in there and supports them, and in turn, supports the community.