Hamlin Public Library sets summer programs

Patrons of the Hamlin Public Library are invited to participate in the New York State Summer Reading Program "Picture This - Imagine That." Young readers will track the amount of time they read each week from July 7 to August 15. In addition to reaping the benefits of reading, they will be eligible for weekly prize drawings. Teens may also participate in the "Which Town Will Read the Most?" contest with Brockport and Ogden. This competition begins immediately, so participants should stop by the library and start reading.

Photographers, ages 5 and up, can register to enter one photograph in the Picture This - Imagine That! Photo Contest. Stop by the library for contest rules and entry form.

Story/Craft Time begins Monday, July 7 at 11 a.m. which a theme of color. Stop by or call the library to register, 964-2320.

The Summer Fun visiting artist program will kick off Thursday, July 10 at 2 p.m. with Mr. Beau the Clown, who will provide a show of fun for all ages.

On Thursday, July 17 at 2 p.m., Marianne Smith will entertain with a Live Animal Story Time. Listen to stories and then meet some of the characters from the book.

No registration necessary for either artist program. These presentations will take place at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road.