Newman Riga Library offers summer reading programs

The Newman Riga Library is getting ready for a busy summer filled with a multitude of programs.

"Read it & Grow" is the theme of the reading game for both school-aged children, 6-12, and preschoolers.

Children 6-12 will play their game on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 2 and 4:30 p.m. Participants roll die and advance on a game board to a square which indicates the type of book they must read in order to return and play the game again. During their travels along the game board, they have many opportunities to land on prize squares.

The preschool game is comprised of an independent game sheet which is picked up at the library as early as July 7 and returned by August 14 in order to receive a prize packet. This game requires reading different types of picture books to the participant with titles logged on the sheet provided.

"Reading Free" is a challenging independent reading program for young adults ages 12 and up. Participants pick up their instruction booklet as early as July 7 and return the completed packet by August 8 to receive their prize packages.

The library has added special programs in conjunction with the above reading games:

Tuesday, July 15 at 3 p.m. The Magic Guy, Chris Wilkinson, will perform amazing magic tricks.

Tuesday, July 22 at 3 p.m. Steve Valvano will perform a musical program including many sing-along favorites.

Tuesday, July 29 Wild Wings will be at the library with a golden eagle and other assorted birds of prey.

Tuesday, August 5 at 3 p.m. a fire safety program will be presented by the Monroe County Office of the Fire Bureau.

Summer activities will conclude on Thursday, August 14 with a Bagel Party and a drawing for prizes at 3 p.m. Registration is required, 293-2009.

In addition, entry forms and information about the Monroe County programs, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game Reading Contest" and "Hit the Books" are available.

On August 11, registration for 3 to 5 year old story time held on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11 a.m. will begin. Session starts in September and lasts through the fall.