Puppet masters

Holley second and third graders took a behind-the-scenes look at puppetry with the help of master puppeteer Tom Bohrer and retired science teacher Ron Walker, who built the hand puppet/marionette theater and marionettes used in the weeklong residency. Students learned about puppetry as an art form, the history and the technical workings of puppets, then put on their own show. Eight students worked behind the scenes and others read the script. Shown are: (front row, l-r) Melissa Ansom, Lindsay Smith, Brittany Drake, Kelsey Wilson, Michael Panniccia, Marissa Callahan, Cassandra Napolean and Zachary Vickerson; (back row) Zachary Clark, Elenna Bibby, Dominic Iacuzza, Donny Brice, Tyler DeYoung, Joshua Hatfield, Sonia Mendoza and Ashley Bradoc. Behind them are Ron Walker (left) and Tom Bohrer. The residency is an Explorations enrichment program, a component of Project ADEPT through Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES.