Protect your home while you're away

Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. reminds homeowners that almost all types of household crime happens when people spend more time away from home.

Are you doing all you can to keep your home safe from burglars? PIANY offers the following tips to help stop unwanted guests from entering your home.

Make sure your home looks lived in.

Stop mail and cancel all deliveries or ask a friend to make daily collections.

Put an automatic timer on several lights and the radio.

Leave a key with a trusted neighbor and tell him or her your departure and return dates. Also, leave him or her the phone number of where you will be staying in case of emergency.

Lock all windows and doors.

Never leave a spare house key hidden outside your home.

If you leave your car at home, park it as you normally would.

Tell local police you plan to be away. Officers may have the opportunity to periodically check your home.

Turn the bell or ringer on your telephone as low as possible. Don't announce your absence on your answering machines; leave your normal message.