Personnel issues on Brockport agenda

Resignations, retirements, appointments and requests for hiring more personnel were on the agenda for the July 21 regular Brockport Village Board meeting.

•The Brockport Police Department welcomed officer Paul Wheat to the force during a swearing in ceremony during the meeting.

•Police Chief Daniel Varrenti addressed the board and informed them that he has three part time officers and 12 full time and of his 12 full time, two of the officers are on light duty as they are recuperating from surgery.

Varrenti said that during the budget process he'd hoped to have 14 full time officers and between three and four part time officers to back fill the positions.

"What I have now is not what I had in mind ... it's not my vision," he said. "It takes a tremendous amount of time to hire, train and equip the officers and when I hire, even part time officers, I am looking for career officers."

Varrenti asked board approval to post and interview for up to three part time officers to help round out the force.

•Department of Public Works Superintendent Brad Upson requested a resolution to hire three temporary laborers to work on the village's portion of the in-kind services for the Harvester Park Improvement Project. He would be seeking employees with commercial drives' licenses and would pay them $10.93 per hour.

"They'd be on the payroll, full-time for about four months," he said. Upson said contractually they were not eligible for full time or unemployment benefits.

Trustee Norman Knapp wanted the "bottom line" on the wages. "We need figures on what they'll get paid."

Knapp said if there wasn't enough money, or manpower, then maybe the project completion would have to be pushed back.

The resolution was tabled until the August board meeting.

A resolution was approved to hire Pauline Johnson as a part-time records inventory clerk in the DPW. Her wages will be paid under a recently received records management grant from New York State.

She will be charged with gathering all the DPW records that are stored in various buildings, coordinating their storage in one location and implementing a plan for records retention.