Gwen Comstra, Vicky Thomas and Susie Cotsworth prepare for a ride in training for their proposed 550 mile trip around Lake Ontario. Photograph by Robbi Hess.

Three women plan tour of Lake Ontario

Weather permitting, July 31 will see the "Wenches of West Wautoma" setting off on a 550-mile journey around Lake Ontario. One of the riders, Gwen Comstra, said if the ride goes well they may extend the trek to include the St. Lawrence Seaway, which would extend the ride by another 300 miles.

What is unique about the journey is that these three women, Comstra, and her cohorts Susie Cotsworth and Vicky Thomas, will be making their journey on personal watercraft.

"I was the first one in the neighborhood to get a Jet Ski®," Comstra said. "The others got jealous and went out and got theirs … actually, Vicky received hers as a seventh wedding anniversary gift from her husband." The ladies all laughed at that, as Comstra was instrumental in telling Thomas's husband that a Jet Ski®is what every woman wants for her anniversary.

When asked why they want to make this trip, their answer was a resounding, "why not?" Cotsworth mentioned in passing whether it would be possible to ride around Lake Ontario and Comstra said she didn't see any reason why they couldn't - and the plan was born from that conversation.

The agenda is to cover 100 miles per day, at a speed of about 40 miles per hour, Comstra said. While they haven't mapped the plan out to the extent that it kills any spontaneity, they have made arrangements and have prepared enough to make it a safe journey. "We don't want to be paranoid but we want to be safe," Comstra said.

Cotsworth agreed, "We're going for fun but we are taking it seriously … the lake can be a frightening place and you have to respect it."

They will be armed with walkie talkies, cell phones, and weather radios, in addition to the usual watercraft safety items such as flare guns and air horns. "We have to travel a bit light," Comstra said. "There isn't much space on a Jet Ski®to store personal effects."

Personal watercraft weigh approximately 800 pounds and can travel at speeds of 60 mph, they said.

The three said they are hoping to bring (well actually Comstra threatened to send) treasures home from their trip. Cotsworth said she loves "beaching" - picking up interesting shells and pieces of driftwood. "We also pick up trash we see littering the shoreline," she said. "We love the beauty and nature the shoreline offers."

For Cotsworth the idea of seeing the whole shore line of Lake Ontario is one of the draws of the trip. "You never know what's just around the corner … what treasures you will find."

They will be taking a camera and something to journal their adventures. The decision on whether to take a paper journal or a mini recording device had yet to be worked out. Cotsworth said she wants to record the journey so that her five grandchildren can see their grandmother as a fun lady.

Thomas said her husband was supportive of the trip. "I think it's going to be fun," she said as Cotsworth handed her one of the matching ankle bracelets the three would be wearing.

Darrin Mark of Channel 13 is going to be seeing them off on their journey, they said. They plan to head west when they mount up and ride off.

As for the timing, they said that August is the month that sailors hate because there is generally no wind. "It will hopefully be flat water, although it's always a gamble," Comstra said.

Wiley's Riverside Marina is supplying the riders with clothing for their trip, they said.

Comstra's son, Eric Koselny, said he'd make the trip if he had the chance. "More power to her … she's a very empowered woman," he said of his mother. "I think it's cool."

They have enlisted his help in setting up a webpage so people can track their progress on the trip. Check them out at:

Cotsworth's husband, Tony, said his wife has always been quite adventurous but the idea of her trip came as a bit of a surprise. "It's one thing to suggest going for a long ride and quite another to ride around the lake. I wish her well," he said.