Toni and Sinbad competing at the 2002 Gymkhana.

Lakeside plans
fourth Gymkhana

The fourth annual Lakeside Gymkhana is planned for September 13. The timed horseback events will start at 11 a.m. at Manitou Hills Farm in Hilton. Speed classes, including Clover Leaf Barrels, Texas T race and Pole Bending, will be offered in both junior and senior divisions. Competitors will be eligible to receive door prizes as well as show high point awards.

Refreshments will be available on the grounds. Spectators can bring their own lawn chair to watch, but there is plenty of shade by the ringside. No admission fee for spectators; competitors' registration fee is $25 to ride in all events. Each horse entered will need to have a current Coggins and rabies certificate. The rain date in case of bad weather or ring conditions will be September 20. The first 20 riders to register in advance will receive a free Lakeside Gymkhana t-shirt. For information or to register horses call 395-6095 ext. 4370.

All funds raised will benefit Lakeside Health System.