Local resident elected American Legion
Auxiliary District President

At the New York State American Legion Auxiliary Convention in Syracuse July 19, Sharon Arthur, Hillary Drive, Chili, an active member of the Chili Unit #1830 since 1985, was elected president for the year 2003-04, of the eight counties of the Seventh District, including Monroe.

Sharon's eligibility is through her husband, Maurice, and she has chaired many committees in the Unit as well as served as president for three years. On the county level, she chaired many committees as well and was president 1998-99. In the district organization, Sharon was Field Day Chairman at Canandaigua VA, co-chairman of the Canandaigua holiday gift shop and Rochester Out-Patient Clinic and was district secretary. Sharon has volunteered in many areas, this year serves as vice-president in the district and Americanism chairman in the county.

She is an original member of the Lady Liberties Color Guard, who have been state and national champions, winning again in Syracuse.

Sharon will begin her duties with the annual fall conferences.