One Step volunteers in the nation's capital

One Step owner Bob Ottley along with two employees and their sons recently went to Washington, DC to help beautify Arlington National Cemetery. Ottley, Mike Boehley and Bob Samuelson, joined by sons Andy and Jeremy as well as other green industry volunteers, applied 90 tons of lime to more than 200 acres of the historic cemetery.

The beautification project is sponsored by the professional Lawn Care Association of America and the American Landscape Contractors Association. The two organizations encourage their members to do the volunteer work as part of their annual Legislative Day, which also includes opportunities to learn about current legislative issues affecting the industry.

Ottley and the One Step contingent visited the offices of their Senators and Representatives to discuss small business and environmental issues.

"We've attended this event since it began in the early nineties," explained Ottley. "I think it's important to give something back to this great country. It's also a wonderful opportunity for us to see a part of the nation's capital that we might otherwise not visit."