Seventh District to hold fall conference

The annual conference of the Seventh District of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of New York, will be held on Friday, September 12, at the Genesee River Restaurant and Reception Center, 134 North Main Street, Mt. Morris. Guests of honor will be Department President Viola Brossart, Vice Presidents Patricia Dyer, Mary Williams (Cayuga Co.), Joan Caccomo and Secretary Juanita Lochner.

Welcoming guests will be District President Sharon Arthur, Chili Unit #1830, her officers, committee chairman and local auxiliary members. Attending from Monroe County will be Doris Schubert, county president, unit presidents from the 16 units, Americanism, VA&R, Children & Youth and membership chairmen.

The conference covers an eight county area. It begins with registration from 7 to 8 a.m., full breakfast buffet at 8 a.m.; conference to convene at 9 a.m.

Deadline for reservations is September 2. Cost is $16, checks payable to ALA Seventh District can be mailed to Sharon Beeke, Secretary, 12 Reddick Lane, Rochester 14624-1941.