Sweden reforms garage sale policy

The Town of Sweden has adopted a new policy to govern residential garage sales. After numerous complaints from town residents about perpetual garage sales, homes that have a garage sale every week, as well as the littering of old garage sale signs, the town board addressed the topic and a new policy was written.

In order to have a garage sale in the Town of Sweden, a resident must obtain a permit from the town hall. A deposit of $25 will have to be paid for a sale no longer than three days. At the end of the sale, the building inspector will determine that all signs have been removed and the $25 will be returned to the resident. Town Board Member and Deputy Supervisor Rob Carges said that the resident simply needs to pay by check and the town will hold the check as a deposit without cashing it.

Residents may have two garage sales a year if they follow the guidelines. A third may be allowed with special permission from the town. For neighborhood sales, one family must act as the "host" and obtain the permit for the neighborhood. It will not be necessary for each house to get a separate permit. Church rummage sales are exempt from this deposit.

Rob Carges says the new policy was necessary. The perpetual garage sale breaks zoning rules, ties up traffic and is unsightly. In essence, it becomes a retail business and not a family garage sale in the traditional sense. Individual homes are not zoned for commercial businesses and that is what a perpetual garage sale is, he maintains.

With the new policy in place, Town of Sweden board members and other employees will be keeping an eye out for offenders. The building inspector will issue tickets to appear in court to anyone caught having a garage sale without a permit. It will be up to the judge to determine the fine.

Ogden has a garage sale policy that states no more than two sales per year per home as well and signs are supposed to be removed within twenty-four hours after the sale.

Clarkson doesn't have a written policy; however, if they receive complaints about a perpetual garage sale, they will talk to the resident about it.

Hamlin and Riga report they have no problem and have not received any complaints.

In Sweden, the new policy is effective immediately. Contact town officials with questions.