H-P Seniors have a
"Night Under The Stars"

Boy Scout Brandon McAuliff (top right) did a number of good deeds for the Hilton-Parma Seniors attending the Hilton Lions Club "Night Under The Stars," setting up, delivering meals and cleaning up tables in a volunteering effort. Neoma Dodds adds her appreciation.

Below, Hilton Lions Club members Andy Kelly, Rick Miller, Jim Allardice, Bob Hall, Jim Shirtz and Joe Lee finish up a round of hamburgs and hot dogs for the picnic meal. Joe Lee came up with the idea for the free event which attracted about 80 members of the Hilton-Parma Seniors group. He hopes to make it an annual program.

Grace Holden, Donna and Beth McCracken and Luella Longer dig in to the picnic supper (bottom right).

Photographs by Walter Horylev