Brockport's door hanger program called a success

With door hangers in hand, Brockport's Code Enforcement Officer Scott Zarnstorff and his assistant, Larry Vaughn, are able to more effectively get the word out to residents on code enforcement violations.

"We're able to make more stops and communicate more effectively and efficiently," Zarnstorff said at the August 18 village board meeting.

The door hangers come in various colors and each bears a different code enforcement message. From needing to put up proper size house numbers to the village's regulations on trash removal, the code enforcement department now has a means to leave behind a reminder of what needs to be done to bring a property up to code. The door hangers also allow the department to make less frequent call-backs to properties in which they were unable to speak with a resident. "We write the address on the hanger and leave it on the door," Zarnstorff said.

More than 102 inspections were completed in July 2003 compared to 58 in July 2002, Zarnstorff said in his monthly report to the board.