Sweden/Brockport emergency plan
proven during blackout

The Town of Sweden and the Village of Brockport have a joint emergency preparedness plan that was called into play during the August 14 black-out.

Sweden Supervisor Nat O. Lester III, Brockport Mayor Josephine Matela, Brockport Police Chief Daniel Varrenti and Acting Fire Chief Alan Hoy met at the emergency command center to determine what actions needed to be taken. During the blackout, the Sweden/Brockport emergency team was also in regular contact with the Monroe County Office of Emergency Preparedness.

In Sweden, highway crews erected four-way stop signs at major intersections. The Brockport Police Department, in the spirit of intermunicipal cooperation, agreed to check periodically on Sweden's busy intersections.

Supervisor Lester went with Brockport Fire Department members to check on residents of the Royal Gardens complex. Many of the seniors who live there rely on elevators, and they needed help accessing their apartments. Ambulance crew members were able to make sure that seniors who use oxygen and other medical machinery at home were not endangered by the lack of electricity. The emergency generator purchased by Sweden last year kept water flowing to the senior residential complex during the blackout.

"Our volunteer fire and ambulance crews, our highway departments and the village police departments did an excellent job making sure our residents were safe during the crisis," said Supervisor Lester. "We can all be proud of the dedication of our emergency professionals and thankful that we live in a community that works well together."