Energy efficient homes save money and the environment

A home is the largest investment that most people will ever make. But every home, new or existing, has additional expenses. Homeowners still need to consider the cost of owning a home, particularly its monthly energy bills.

"Homes in any style, price range or age can be made more efficient," says Peter S. Smith, Acting President of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). "By taking simple steps when building a new home, or making improvements to an existing home's shell or heating system, consumers can save up to 30 percent on energy costs. The key to improving efficiency is to address the home as a whole 'system' and evaluate how the structure, heating and cooling equipment, insulation levels, appliances and lighting work together." The New York ENERGY STAR® Labeled Homes and Homes Performance with ENERGY STAR® programs, developed under the New York Energy $mart (SM) program and sponsored by NYSERDA, are designed to help lower energy costs for New Yorkers, reduce energy demand, and protect the environment.

"This is how all homes should be built," says Steve Thomas, television's renovation and design expert, and spokesperson for the New York Energy Star residential programs. "Not only does using efficient building techniques save consumers significant money on their monthly bills, but these homes also have reduced emissions, higher resale value, greater comfort and they provide peace of mind."

Homeowners who wish to reduce their home's energy bill can achieve savings by following a few simple steps.

Build a New York ENERGY STAR® labeled home
A New York ENERGY STAR® labeled home incorporates increased insulation levels, high performance windows, as well as energy-efficient heating, cooling, lighting and appliances to achieve higher energy efficiency and comfort levels. Each home must pass a stringent evaluation process that includes a computer-based energy analysis, before it can be labeled an ENERGY STAR® labeled home. By building a New York ENERGY STAR® labeled home, you know you've built a home that's more durable, more valuable, and gentler on the environment.

Consider a comprehensive home assessment
If you are buying an existing home, or want to see how your current home is performing, contact a participating Building Performance Institute (BPI)-certified Home Performance contractor to provide a comprehensive home assessment. The contractor will use the most advanced, state-of-the-art equipment to test your home and identify energy efficiency improvements. The assessment will evaluate your heating and cooling equipment, insulation levels, and air leakage. The contractor will explain how these problems can be fixed as well as the cost of making the improvements. The contractor can also make the necessary improvements if you desire and help you secure low-interest financing.

Look for cost savings with special low interest financing
Low interest loans and financial incentives are available to help pay for home improvements made by participating BPI-certified contractors under the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program. There are no application fees or closing costs, and the loans do not require a down payment. Additional assistance may be available if you meet certain income eligibility requirements.

Insist on upgraded insulation
The average home has many leaks that could be equivalent to leaving a 3' x 3' widow open all year round. Even new homes can suffer from inadequate and improperly installed insulation. BPI-certified contractors are specially trained to use the latest insulating materials appropriate for your home and thoroughly test the newly installed insulation for leakage. Properly installed insulation not only saves money on energy bills, but also eliminates hot and cold spots in the home for better comfort and health.

Don't neglect your ducts
Most homes with forced air heating or cooling system have leaky ducts, wasting more than 25 percent of the energy used to heat or cool your home. A BPI-certified contractor uses a duct blaster to find and repair leaky or disconnected ducts to help your heating and air conditioning system run more efficiently.

Incorporate the latest technology for heating and air conditioning
More than half (58 percent) of energy used in homes goes to furnaces, boilers and air conditioners. If just one in ten households bought ENERGY STAR® heating and cooling equipment, the change would eliminate over 17 billion pounds of air pollution. ENERGY STAR® labeled heating and cooling equipment increases comfort in your home and will save money on your monthly energy bills.

Shop smart for ENERGY STAR® quality appliances and lighting products
When you shop for new appliances look for the ENERGY STAR® symbol. Qualified appliances, lighting and other home products offer superior features and standout performance, as well as savings on energy bills.

Consider how your windows rate
ENERGY STAR® labeled windows, doors and skylights are twice as efficient as the average windows manufactured just 10 years ago. They help cut your heating and cooling costs and can make your home more comfortable without compromising cost, comfort, versatility, or style.

Install a programmable thermostat
This simple device will automatically coordinate the temperature inside your home with your schedule, so you don't pay for heating and cooling that you are not enjoying.

For more information about special financing or more details about ENERGY STAR® programs in New York, call 1-877-NY-SMART, or visit