Funding released for Brockport's promenade

Mayor Josephine Matela signed an agreement with the New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation that secures more than $105,000 in funding for the rehabilitation of the canal side Harvester Park in the Village of Brockport. The announcement was made last week in a press release.

The funding will allow the completion of a new promenade that will extend from Park Avenue to Main Street along the canal in the park. Interdepartmental issues at the state level jeopardized receipt of the funding for Brockport and projects in several other municipalities along the canal. The funding was delayed over eight months, according to village representatives.

Matela and village trustees, the economic development office and canal revitalization committee worked to get the money released. Written support from elected officials at the state and local levels added weight to the effort.

Matela also lobbied state representatives in person at the New York State Canals Conference recently held in Utica. She was also a featured guest speaker at the conference.

"We're grateful to Mayor Matela for her efforts during the long months of negotiation required to get the money released," according to Bill Andrews, member of Brockport's canal revitalization committee.

"It's a classic example of what a team working together with the same focus and vision can do to reach a goal," said Matela. "At the state level, it was a matter of getting two departments to understand that being flexible and accommodating was in the best interests and for the greater good of the community we all serve," Matela said. The mayor also cited the tremendous cooperation she received from officials from the New York State Canal Corporation as being key to the achievement.

Bids for the construction of the promenade in the park have been opened. Contracts should be awarded within a few weeks. The ongoing project is part of the village's canal revitalization master plan.