Chili Senior Center programs

Biloxi Blues - GEVA Theater - a trip to see Biloxi Blues at GEVA Theater on Wednesday, October 1. Bus leaves parking lot at 1 p.m. and returns at approximately 5:30 p.m. (show time is 2 p.m.). Space is limited to 44. Cost $30. Call the senior center at 889-6185 for more information.

Keuka Maid Cruise - a day trip aboard the Keuka Maid in Hammondsport on Tuesday, September 23. Motorcoach departs the senior center at 8 a.m. and returns at 6:30 p.m. The trip includes admission to the Glen Curtiss Aviation Museum, two hour narrated cruise, luncheon buffet, brief tour and wine tasting at Hunt Country Vineyards. $40 for residents. Non-residents may register, space permitting, beginning August 25 for $52. To register, stop by the center at 3235 Chili Avenue.

Mystery Trip - on Friday, October 17. Motorcoach departs the senior center at 8 a.m. and returns at 7 p.m. $40 for residents. Registration begins August 18. Non-residents may register, space permitting, beginning September 17 for $56. To register, stop by the center at 3235 Chili Avenue.

YOGA - on Thursdays, September 18 to October 23 from 2 to 3:15 p.m. Cost $20. Yoga is a gentle, non-competitive approach to stretching and relaxation using your breath to ease into basic yoga poses suitable for your body. Wear loose clothing and bring a beach towel, mat or small blanket. To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue by September 11

•Tai Chi - on Tuesdays, September 16 to November 18 (not November 4, November 11) from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. $45. Tai Chi helps improve your health and fitness, reduce stress, increase your energy level and develop peace and inner calm. Class taught by staff from Northeastern Martial Arts. To register, stop by the senior center at 3235 Chili Avenue by September 11.

Medicare Plus Program - An Excellus Blue Cross and Blue Shield representatives will be at the Chili Senior Center on Thursday, September 18 at 12:45 p.m. to discuss a new low cost Medicare plus choice program called Medicare Blue Choice. Program is available to people with both Medicare part A and part B and includes eye care, emergency care around the world, eye wear and hearing aid coverage, and low co-pays. All are welcome.