Hilton Music Boosters
sponsor a Halloween Party and Carnival

Wear your Halloween costume and enjoy an evening of fun and games - bowl with a pumpkin, do the Limbo under a witch's broom, get your hands dirty in the Gloppy Green Frankenstein Goo, bite a donut on a string, and more at the Halloween Party and Carnival sponsored by the Hilton Music Boosters. The party and carnival is for children through 6th grade and is scheduled for Friday, October 24, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at Hilton High School Commons II, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. $3 per child in advance; $5 at the door. Mail pre-payment by October 22, to: The Hilton Music Boosters, P.O. Box 902, Hilton, NY 14468.

Admission price includes cider or juice, donut and popcorn, carnival games, lots of great prizes, Halloween activities, Halloween crafts to make and face painting. Pizza, pop and other snacks will be available to purchase. Prizes will be raffled off. Come in a Halloween costume and receive a free raffle ticket. Bring a costumed adult and receive two free raffle tickets. Donate an item to the Hilton Food Shelf and receive one free raffle ticket for each item donated.

The Hilton Music Boosters support the music programs, both instrumental and choral, in all the schools in the Hilton School District. Call Lisa Sharlow at 723-6248 with questions.