Clarendon's proposed budget lowers tax rate

With other municipalities struggling to keep budget increases out of the double digits, officials in the Town of Clarendon have been able to not only hold the line, but offer taxpaying residents a decreased tax bill.

The proposed total budget for the Town of Clarendon will be $1,482,540. For taxpayers, this translates to proposed tax rate for 2004 of $4.84 per $1,000 of assessed value. The tax rate for 2003 was $4.86. When asked how officials were able to lower the taxes, Town Supervisor Richard Moy explained, "I relate the budget to my own income and if I make $10,000 a year, I certainly wouldn't be spending $20,000."

Moy credited the town board with helping to hold the line on expenses. Some of the cuts the board was able to undertake came in the form of adjusting the pay rate for the newly appointed town justice, renegotiating fees with the town attorney and shopping around for more affordable health care for employees. Additionally, the board was able to save about $6,000 over last year's figures because the professional who was hired to rewrite the town's zoning laws completed their task and the town also had enough money in its contingency budget that it didn't need to contribute as much this fiscal year.

Moy said the budget provides for raises for employees and for two elected employees - the town clerk and the highway superintendent.

The budget will be presented to the public on Tuesday, November 12.