Shown (left to right) Lions Don Cussen, Charlie Prevost and President Millie Thurley.

Lions Club recycles eyeglasses

A major activity of the Lions Clubs in this and other countries is collecting used eyeglasses to be reprocessed and fitted to people in the Third World, following the challenge posed by Helen Keller in 1925 of becoming her "Knights of the Blind." The Lions Club of Chili is making it easier for the people of North Chili to donate their used eyeglasses. A huge yellow "mailbox" similar to the one already set in Chili Center, on Chili Avenue, in front of the Senior Center, has been placed in the North Chili Plaza, in front of the IGA grocery store. Each year, the Lions of Chili collect thousands of used eyeglasses and send them to a central point, joining hundreds of thousands more coming from other parts of our New York State District. As Helen Keller reminded the Lions, she was also deaf, and used hearing aids may be dropped into the box, too. They will be refurbished and given to needy people, free of charge.