Republicans sweep posts in Hamlin

While there was a stronger challenge of the Republican Party than in past years, the result remained the same in Hamlin - a Republican sweep.

Peter Tonery, the Democratic and All Hamlin candidate for supervisor, feels like he got caught up in a big Lake Ontario wave. "All the Republicans came out to defeat the Mayor (Bill Johnson, candidate for Monroe County Executive) and it just swept us up," said Tonery.

Tonery was defeated by Austin F. Warner III, 1,729 to 960. Both David G. Rose and George L. Todd won board seats over James B. Martin and Nancy A. Pierce.

The outcome in the supervisor's race was much closer than when Tonery and Warner squared off in 1999. At that time Warner received more than five times the votes that Tonery did. Regardless of the closer tally, Warner said he looks at the outcome as a vote of confidence for his administration.

"I think we did as well as we did, because basically we have a good record," said Warner. "They were so focused on the negative that they really didn't communicate a plan."

Tonery said the plan moving forward is clear. "The town is in desperate need of help," said Tonery. "We're not going away."

Town Clerk Kathi A. Rickman ran unopposed and Town Justice Paul W. Rath soundly defeated his opponent Mathew C. Turcotte. Both contingencies said they would like to thank all who turned out to vote.