Ridgecrest turkeys have free range

One of the signs of fall in the area isn't just the changing of the leaves but also the size of the hundreds of white birds roaming the fenced in barnyard at Ridgecrest Turkey Farm in Clarkson. For over 19 years, Sharon and Mark Mattison have raised these free range, corn fed turkeys for sale for Thanksgiving feasts.

Ridgecrest, located on Route 104, is one of only two turkey farms in the Greater Rochester area, and the only one on the westside of the city. Sharon Mattison's parents, Howard and Aileen Scott, were the original owners of the turkey farm when it was on Gilmore Road in Brockport. About 19 years ago, they decided to get out of the business and asked if they could store their equipment on Mark and Sharon's farm in Clarkson.

At that time, Mark was farming corn and he and Sharon decided if they were going to store the equipment, they might as well try their hand at raising turkeys. The first year they raised 600 turkeys. "We sold every one," Sharon said. "We kept growing and expanding until currently we raise 1,500 turkeys."

The turkeys arrive the first week in July as day old chicks. They come through the U.S. Postal Service from Zealand, Michigan. Mark feeds them turkey starter, sort of a baby formula for turkeys, for about seven weeks. After each bird receives almost 10 pounds of the starter feed, they can be switched to traditional turkey feed which he mixes with his own home-grown corn.

The turkeys grow to between 20 and 45 pounds by November. The Friday before Thanksgiving, a team of over 20 family and friends arrive to being the processing. Customers have already called and ordered their turkeys weeks in advance and they will begin coming as early as Sunday, November 23 to pick up their turkey for the harvest feast. Between Friday evening and Sunday, all 1,500 birds will be processed. The family keeps a few for their own use but they sell the rest.

"We're never not sold out," Sharon states. When asked if this means they could expand even further, she shook her head. "We're right where we want to be. To grow bigger would mean a larger barn and more yard space and we aren't interested in that. We like where we are right now."

Sharon and Mark have three children, Scott, who is currently a senior at Brockport High School; Kelly, who is a sophomore, and Travis, who is in middle school. All three children have grown up helping on the farm and with the turkeys. Although Kelly isn't often in the barn during processing time, she's invaluable to her parents by helping to keep the workers fed and helping in the house, allowing her parents to be free to handle the processing. Scott and Travis have helped since they were young and are an integral part of the team. Sharon's parents help every year as do her sister and brother-in-law. While every year there are a few new faces, most are regulars. But it's more than apparent that the people who help enjoy the camaraderie that comes from this yearly ritual. The Mattison's say they are truly appreciative of the hard workers who make this time of year as streamlined as possible.

The cost of a fresh turkey from Ridgecrest is $1.75 per pound; a bit more than frozen, but their customers are loyal and truly believe it is a better tasting bird.

"Our turkeys are broad breast white meat. We use no preservatives or injections. They're all free range, never caged, and corn fed which I believe is part of what makes their taste superior to that of other turkeys," said Sharon. When asked if anyone specifically requests the larger turkeys, Sharon answered that some customers actually prefer them. "Some customers ask us to cut a large bird in half and they use half for Thanksgiving and freeze the other half to use at Christmas."

Note: Call Ridgecrest at 637-8422 for information.