Barclay Elementary students recognized for recycling

Students at Brockport's Barclay Elementary School are making a commitment to recycle. In honor of America Recycles Day on November 15, 550 second- and third-graders in the school made pledges to recycle. The high return of pledges earned the school a $100 gift certificate from Chase-Pitkin and an ice cream sundae party.

Third-grade teacher Kathy Robertson, who is an advocate for recycling, worked with the building principal, Gail Zimmerli, and other teachers to brainstorm ideas for educating students about recycling. Twelve students working in teams of three visited each class in the school to educate others about the importance of recycling. Once the teams finished their presentations, students throughout the school made pledges that they too wanted to commit to recycling.

Furthering their commitment to recycle, the students started a print cartridge recycling program. They are collecting used print cartridges from their families and students and staff in the building to keep the cartridges out of landfills. Through the cartridge recycling program, the school will earn up to $1 for ink jet cartridges and $5 for laser cartridges. Any money raised will be used for school supplies.