Girl Scouts make a splash at Pettis Pools

Hillwood Girl Scouts (Hilton and North Greece) joined with Pettis Pools on Manitou Road for a successful cookie sale delivery. A forklift unloaded about 21,500 boxes of cookies at the Pettis warehouse and adult Girl Scout volunteers sorted and stacked orders for pickup. At the beginning, the warehouse was full of the tall stacks of cookies and by 3 p.m. all orders were picked up by troop "cookie moms." Steve Pettis said, "My favorite cookie is the Caramel," although actually, the Thin Mints are the highest seller. At the Hillwood Cookie Kick-off at the beginning of the sale, about 100 girls signed a large thank-you card, which now hangs on the showroom counter. Pictured are Nancy Allen and Lori Snyder, co-chairs of the Hillwood sale, and Pettis store manager Jeff Scott.