Orleans Chamber hosts legislative luncheon

A legislative luncheon hosted by the Orleans County Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for Thursday, December 11 at Tillman's Village Inn in Childs. The luncheon provides the opportunity to discuss business priorities for Albany, hear what our legislators anticipate during session and have your questions about state government answered.

"Last year was the first time this event was held in December," said Executive Director David Kelly. "Assembly Republican leader Charlie Nesbitt and Senator George Maziarz thought this would allow them to have a solid idea of what the Orleans County business community wanted them to do during session. It turned out to be very popular with the business community, too. Last year's attendance was double that of previous years."

After lunch, the Chamber will present its public policy agenda and will highlight three priorities for state government. Business Council lobbyist Anne VanBuren will address some of the issues her statewide business organization will be pursuing. That will lead to the presentations from Assemblyman Nesbitt and Senator Maziarz. A question and answer period will follow.

Registration for the event is required by Wednesday, November 26. Forms are available at the Chamber offices in Albion and Medina. To have a form faxed or e-mailed call 589-7727.