Tax hike seen for Bergen residents

Town of Bergen officials approved the 2004 budget that calls for a tax rate for both village and outside the village taxpayers. A 6 cent increase was called for, bringing the tax rate to $2.14 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.

The $1,887,594 budget represents a 6.4 percent increase. Similar to other municipalities in the state, Bergen was hit with the state retirement system contribution increases. Bergen's required contribution will increase to $43,100, up from $16,554 in 2003.

An increase in sales tax revenues helped keep the budget increase in the single digits. As of October 31 the town has received $424,479 in sales tax revenues - they had budgeted for $320,000. Next year, the town has budgeted for $380,000 in sales tax.

The budget approved drops the fire protection rate from $1 to 99 cents per $1,000. Debt service payments for the 182 units in Water District #2 will remain at $310.