Hilton Board of Education appoints new member

At its November 18 meeting, the Hilton Central School District Board of Education appointed Steve Beauvais, Project Manager at the N.Y.S. Department of Transportation, to fill the remainder of the term vacated by board member Dale Beehler last July.

The appointment process began in September when three applicants were interviewed in public session. The board convened an executive session to make its decision and announced it at the November 18 meeting.

Beauvais, a resident of Albano Drive, Hilton, is married to Debbi Beauvais and they have two children, Tim, 10, and Jeff, 8, who attend Quest Elementary School.

Beauvais will be sworn in at the December 9 meeting and will serve until May 18, the Annual Budget Vote and Board Election. "I view this appointment as an opportunity to give back to the community," Mr. Beauvais aid. "In these months I will find out what is involved in being a board of education member."

The appointment expires May 18 at the Annual Budget Vote and Board Election.