Spencerport Kiwanians donate
400 toys to Cameron Community Center

The Kiwanis Club of Spencerport recently donated and delivered 400 toys to the Cameron Community Center, which serves a population in the Cameron Street/Lyell Avenue Section of the City of Rochester. The toys were given out by Santa Claus at a party at the center on December 19. The retail value of the toys was about $6,000. The Kiwanis Club also provided 100 toys to the Spencerport Cartons for Christmas effort along with a cash donation of $400. Kiwanians pictured here (as they prepare to bring the toys to the third floor of the Cameron facility via the narrow fire escape pictured) are: Keith Ryan, secretary; Tom Fairbrother, past club president and chair of the effort; Phil Dow, treasurer; Harry Ewell, president; Dick Smith, past president and member Dan Halstead.