Ribbon cutting
held at Riga Town
Hall and Court

Pictured are Supervisor Tim Rowe; Town Clerk Jean Ott; Town Justice Louis E. Amarosa; Councilman Ron Trinkl; Town Justice Joseph Steinwachs; Councilman Bob Ottley; Councilwoman Pamela Moore; Councilman Peter Brundage. Not shown: Retired Highway Superintendent Peter Neidrauer; Highway Superintendent Tom Klafehn; County Executive Maggie Brooks: Assemblywoman Susan John.

Commander Edgar Moore and the Harvey C. Noone Post #954 American Legion presented a ceremonial flag to the Town of Riga. The flag will be on display at the Riga Town Hall. Pictured are Commander Edgar Moore, Supervisor Tim Rowe and the Harvey C. Noone Post 954 American Legion Color Guard. The new facility houses the town clerk, assessor, budget officer/bookkeeper, code enforcement officer, dog control officer, recreation department, court office, court room, holding cell, locker rooms, jury deliberation room and includes an office area for NY State Troopers. The Monroe County Sheriff's Department has access to the holding cell. The land was donated by the Harvey Noone Post 954 American Legion and no taxes were raised to build the facility, according to town officials.