Winter Open House at Morgan-Manning
Tribute to the memory of David Scott Warthman planned

A winter open house will take place Sunday, February 22, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Morgan-Manning House located at 151 Main Street in Brockport. The event replaces the Holiday Open House that had to be postponed from December 14 due to inclement weather. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

At five o'clock, Tom Nesbitt, president of the Western Monroe Historical Society board of trustees, will present two plaques honoring the memory of David Scott "Scotty" Warthman to family members and Brockport Fire Department representatives. Warthman, who died suddenly in a motor vehicle accident in December, was a member of Capen Hose Company No. 4 since 1961 and became fire chief in 1979. "Scott's crowning achievement and most memorable accomplishment is the Firefighter's Memorial Monument," said Chris Martin, public information officer for the fire department. Through his research, writing, and preserving artifacts, Warthman honored the traditions of the firefighter profession and added greatly to Brockport's history records, according to Eunice Chesnut, Historical Society historian.