Hamlin senior housing proposal goes before town board

Two of Hamlin's most respected businessmen have come to the town board with a proposal to build a senior housing complex.

Mark Kronenberg, of Krony's, and Jim Beehler, of Beehler Construction, are looking to develop about 50 acres of land located behind Tops Plaza. Neil Rockow, of ReMax First, said the duo is asking the town to consider adding a senior zoning code to allow for such a development.

While most of the details cannot be finalized until guidance is given by the town, Rockow said the plans call for building 1,000 to 1,500 sq. feet single level homes with attached garages and full basements. The homes would be similar to townhouses in that an association would maintain the lots. Currently, Hamlin's zoning code does not allow that.

"I'm confident that these two guys will put together a top notch project," said Rockow.

Larry Gursslin, former Hamlin building inspector, has been retained as an unpaid advisor to the project. The duo sought Gursslin out when they realized that he was mayor of Hilton when a senior complex called Unionville Station was built.

"This type of development can be a benefit to Hamlin by adding additional tax revenue without having to provide many services to these seniors," said Gursslin. This type of project would also increase business in the Tops Plaza and allow Hamlin residents the option of spending the rest of their lives in the town.

Gursslin added that it is important for residents to understand that this proposal does not call for any low-income or subsidized housing.

After going before the town board on February 7, it was decided that Kronenberg and Beehler would be invited to attend a workshop with the board next week.