From couch potato to runner in 12 weeks

Brockport residents Julia Mundorff and her sister, Chrisa Yaeger, looked in the mirror one day and didn't like what they saw. They both realized they'd let themselves go, that having children had changed their figures and not for the better. "Our sister, Amy Nesbitt, is a physical education teacher for Spencerport and has always maintained a very healthy lifestyle. We asked for her advice on how to get back into shape," Mundorff said.

Nesbitt worked up a full plan for the two women that evolved slowly from walking to running to finally entering and completing a 5K run. "We were stunned when she said she wanted us to enter the 5K. We told her that was fine but we were only entering to finish it, not to win it," Mundorff said.

That was just 18 months ago and the results have been exactly what the sisters wanted. "Friends commented that they wish they had an Amy to help keep them inspired," Mundorff said. An idea for an organization began to form. They wanted to give other women the same type of support system and guidance that their sister had given them. They decided to start their own fitness club and named it "The Coach Potato's Fitness Club."

The club is open to women of all ages and sizes. The twelve week program is designed to get participants from the couch to walking or running 3 miles (about 40 minutes) per day several times a week.

Meetings will be held once a week and will involve a group walk as well as possible guest speakers to discuss topics such as nutrition and injury prevention. The first twelve week session is scheduled to begin on April 20.

As for Julia and Chrisa, now that they have completed a 5K they are training for a 10K short sprint and a possible triathlon. "When we first started, running for two minutes was tough," Mundorff laughed. She says she feels if she could go from where she was 18 months ago to where she is now, anyone can.

For information and to register, contact Julia Mundorff at 585-637-3752.