Dates set for Route 259 canal bridge closing

There is a plan in place for the closure of the Route 259, Union Street, Spencerport Erie Canal bridge.

Last November, signs suddenly appeared at the Union Street lift bridge announcing its closing in a week. The surprise announcement caused concern for businesses about to begin the holiday season, and made officials scramble to make arrangements to prepare for this closing. Deciding there simply wasn't enough lead time to effectively re-route school buses, village traffic and commuters, it was requested that the bridge closing be put on hold until a time that was mutually convenient. Some political maneuvering brought about a postponement.

On February 20, Ogden Supervisor Gay Lenhard; Village of Spencerport Mayor Ted Walker; the police, fire, ambulance, school district and business representatives, Assemblyman Bill Reilich and Senator George Maziarz came together with the NYS Canal Corporation and the New York State Department of Transportation to discuss the repairs and the bridge closing.

Rick Manns of the Canal Corporation presented their plans. On each corner of the bridge are three cables. These cables have a life expectancy of approximately 15 years. They were last replaced in 1974, making them thirty years old. During the repair, the cables will be removed and the bridge supported by large beams or blocks. The workers will remove the cables; inspect the shafts and other mechanical parts of the lifting mechanism. They will replace the cables, lubricate them, and paint the lifting frame. Because it is necessary to reach some parts of the bridge by boat, some repairs must be done when the canal is full. Manns stated the bridge would be completely closed to traffic for two weeks and then closed for one more week part time, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Some people at the meeting expressed skepticism that the bridge repairs can be done in the time specified. Manns assured that the same repairs have been done on other lift bridges and gave the following examples: in 2001 the lift bridge on Main Street in Albion was completed in three weeks, even when a problem was discovered with one of the shafts. The bridge at Ingersoll Avenue in Albion took only two weeks; in Knowlesville in 2001, similar work took two weeks. Manns stated again that the bridge has been inspected and the department knows exactly what they are facing. They assess they will have it done in the time specified.

In response to questions about poor weather conditions affecting the work, he answered that most of the work they are doing is underground and weather will not affect the schedule.

In conjunction with this bridge repair, the New York State Department of Transportation, which is responsible for the decking, will repair the gap that is currently in the middle of the bridge. This repair will be done concurrently with the Canal Authority work. They may also repave the approach on either side of the bridge.

After reviewing the community calendar and discussing several dates, it was decided that the most convenient time to close the bridge would be three weeks immediately following Spencerport Canal Days set for the weekend of July 24 and 25. Therefore, first thing on Monday, July 26 the lift bridge on Union Street will be raised and closed to traffic. It was noted that the canal paths will not be affected during the repair. Detour signs will be posted for traffic to cross the canal at the one lane Martha Street Bridge.

Officer Steve Brown of the Ogden Police Department and Tom West, Village of Spencerport, department of public works superintendent, responded that traffic lights at Martha Street would be an absolute necessity. Brown remembers other times when the bridge has been closed for various reasons and the traffic situation became a nightmare. West reported that the ability to activate the traffic lights at Martha Street was already in place and simply needed to be set up.

The fire department requested that parking be restricted on Martha Street, Amity Street, and West Avenue during the time the bridge is closed. When cars are parked on these streets, the large trucks can't make the turns necessary to reach the bridge. Mayor Ted Walker agreed that they would place parking restrictions during the time the bridge is closed. St. John's Church will be notified as this will affect their parishioners during worship services.

Pam Gilbert from the Spencerport village office will notify local businesses such as IGA and the hardware store concerning the impact to larger delivery trucks. The businesses will be asked to notify their suppliers of the situation during those three weeks. It was agreed that during the Union Street bridge closing, the five ton restriction (R rating) on the Martha Street bridge would be waived for local delivery trucks. All other truck traffic will be kept out of the village and rerouted down Route 31 to Sweden Walker Road.

In the article "Dates set for Route 259 Erie Canal bridge closing" (February 29, 2004) reference was made to weight restrictions for the Martha Street Erie Canal bridge being lifted to allow trucks to use the bridge for a detour. In fact, the weight restriction will be lifted on the roadway through the Village Walk subdivision, the roadway providing access to the bridge.