H-P seniors to travel to Seneca Niagara Casino

The Hilton-Parma Seniors have scheduled a trip to Seneca Niagara Casino in Niagara Falls. Included in this trip is round-trip transportation, driver gratuity, five hours of gaming time and current casino bonus. A driver's license or photo ID is required to obtain casino package.

There will be an "on your own" dinner stop at the Old Country Buffet en route home. The bus will leave the Village Community Center at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 7:30 p.m. The cost of this trip is $18.

This trip is designed primarily for senior citizens age 55 and up. However, beginning March 11, community members may register for this trip on a space-available basis. Community members can stop at the Recreation Department, 59 Henry Street, to register.

For additional information, contact Hilton-Parma Recreation at 392-9030.