Scouts in Troop 53 earn badges, advance

Members of Chili Boy Scout Troop 53 have noted the following accomplishments: Jerry Cardilicchia and Eric Strassner advanced to First Class; Paul Wolski earned his Bronze Eagle Palm. In order to earn the Bronze Eagle Palm a scout must earn five merit badges beyond Eagle Scout achievements.

Along with advancement awards, merit badges were earned by Jerry Cardilicchia - astronomy, orienteering, reptiles/amphibians, rifle shooting, soil/water conservation, weather; Eric Strassner earned astronomy, weather, orienteering, reptiles/amphibians and soil/water conservation; Cory Duell earned astronomy, camping, climbing, wood carving; Peter Abee earned athletics, first aid, lifesaving, sports; Chris Collins earned athletics, leatherworking, mammal study, sports; Vince Adams earned athletics, first aid, lifesaving, sports; Tom Small earned athletics, fish and wildlife management, sports, weather, wilderness survival; Ryan Hosie and Nate Wolski earned canoeing, space exploration; Chris Burant earned climbing, small boat sailing, soil/water conservation, wilderness survival; Eric Goodykoontz earned climbing, first aid, pioneering, space exploration, wood carving; Charles Wynn earned first aid, pioneering, space exploration, wood carving; Mike Pehta earned first aid, rowing, small boat sailing, space exploration; Paul Wolski earned leatherwork, lifesaving, orienteering, pioneering.