Sterling Renaissance Festival to hold auditions

The Sterling Renaissance Festival, in Sterling, New York will be holding auditions for its interactive improvisational troupe, known as "The Bless the Mark Players." The festival is seeking 35 experienced male and female actors of various ages to portray Elizabethan characters, and perform interactive improv and scenarios. The contract commitment runs ten weeks, from June 6 to August 16.

Chosen cast members will receive master classes in improvisation and interactive theatre, by veteran director Gary Izzo, author of The Art of Play and Acting Interactive Theatre. They will learn Elizabethan dialect, language, history, dance, and period movement as well as develop an original Elizabethan character for interactive performance in a 35 acre "English village."

An audition will be held on Saturday, March 20 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the SUNY Oswego, Tyler Hall, Room 102 and 103. Open call. Audition sign-up list starts at 12:30 p.m. Participants should bring an acting resume and an 8 x 10 black and white photo. Strong improv and comic skills required. Prepare a one-minute comic monologue. Dress comfortably, no heels.

During this same audition time, the festival will be casting an eight-member young company. For this troupe, players must be 15 to 18 years of age with theatrical experience.

The festival runs from July 3 through August 15. For information, visit the festival web site at: or call 800-879-4446.