Service Clubs raise over $5,000 for Brockport Community

Brockport Rotarians George Dahl and Pam Young show off the plaque the club will hold for another year for winning the 2003 Christmas season Salvation Army Bell-ringing contest. Dahl headed up the Rotary effort and Young is the current Rotary president. The annual contest between the Brockport Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs has raised many tens of thousand of dollars for the charity over nearly two decades. The results of the friendly rivalry were announced recently at the annual celebratory dinner. The Brockport Rotary Club's 2003 effort produced the most money ever raised by a service club in the history of the contest - $1,650. Of course, while the efforts of the club members are laudable (standing out in the cold for hours is not fun), credit must be tendered to members of the local community, who contributed during the holiday season. Everyone who "worked" has stories of individuals giving everything from pennies to $50 bills. Thanks also go to the efforts of Dr. Dan Perry who is the local liaison to the Salvation Army.