Spring hours begin at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge headquarters at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge will be open on weekends, March 20 through early June, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. This is in addition to its regular business hours of Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Flyway Nature Shop, operated by the Friends of Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Inc., will also operate during these extended hours.

The extended hours coincide with a series of free nature programs called Iroquois Observations presented by the Buffalo Audubon Society each Saturday. Visitors may take advantage of a driving tour (bring your own car) to popular birding spots from 10 a.m. to noon, or stop by the Cayuga Overlook to see what's happening on the marsh. The Audubon Society will provide spotting scopes and their expertise identifying birds in the area, including nesting bald eagles. In the afternoon, a program will be presented by a guest speaker at the refuge headquarters. This popular "Focus on..." series will feature a different subject each week. As the weather improves there will be guided birding or wildflower walks, owl prowls, canoe treks and special "family day" programs. For a complete schedule contact the refuge office or log on to: www.wildeyes.com/iroquois/schedule.htm.