Hamlin Recreation programs

Spring Break Activities, April 12-April 16: Tuesday, April 13 - Candy Bar Bingo 1 to 2 p.m., ages 5 and older. Receive one board per candy bar, four boards max. per person. Friday, April 16 - Hodgepodge Crafts 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., ages 5 and older, $5 per person. Choose up to three from a variety of crafts.

Laser Quest, Wednesday, April 14, 9:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. for ages 10 to 16 years. Cost: equivalent of $5 in non-perishable goods to be donated to the Hamlin Bread and Thread. Register in the Recreation Office March 29-April 12 only. Transportation from and return to town hall provided. Bring snack and drink. Open to Hamlin residents only.

Babysitter Training - Monday, April 12, 12:30 to 3 p.m. Hamlin Town Hall, for 9-13 years old. $3 residents, $5 non-residents. Course given by Park Ridge Youth Outreach. Learn the basics of babysitting: baby and child care, emergency procedures, first aid and other important information.

Youth Basketball League 4 on 4, Saturdays, April 17-May 22, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Games begin April 24. Limited practice time available Wednesday evenings 6 to 9 p.m. St. John's Gym. $60 per team. (Max 6 players per team). Age groups: 10-12; 13-15; 15-17. Team shirts included. Awards on last day. Sign up as team or individual ($15 per person). Volunteers needed to coach and keep score clock.

Register for these programs at the Hamlin Recreation office. Call 964-7222 for information.