Hilton church offers Passover-Communion

A Hilton area church is offering a community-wide experience of the ancient Passover celebration, in a Christian context. Parma Christian Fellowship, led by completed Jewish pastor Michael B. Merrill, is hosting the Passover-Communion Meal on Thursday, April 8, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The Passover seder of Judaism is the historical basis for the last supper of Jesus, which became the service of Communion for Christianity. The Passover-Communion Meal allows participants to understand the roots of the gospel in the feast celebrations of God's greatest deliverance for His people.

Parma Christian Fellowship meets in the Old Church Building located at 155 Lake Avenue in Hilton. The Passover-Communion experience will be held at that location. Call 392-8240 with questions or to register. A $3 per person donation is requested to cover costs of the meal. This experience is appropriate for persons of all ages, including children.