Residents, students fill Brockport Village Hall

It was almost standing room only for the regular meeting of the Brockport Village Board on April 5. Students from SUNY Brockport and village residents were on hand for the meeting in which several issues were raised, concerns aired and budget questions were raised.

Resident Bill Webber took the podium asking village officials when they would change the agenda to allow for public comment at the end of the meetings. "Many issues come up during the regular meeting that need to be addressed at the end," he said. "Without a public forum at the end of the board meetings we have to wait two to three weeks before our questions can be answered."

Mayor Josephine Matela said board members would address that issue at the next workshop session. "We've tried to have public comment at both the beginning and the end of the meetings but it was the opinion of the board to cut back and offer it at the beginning only," she said.

Trustee Mort Wexler disagreed, saying that the public has a right to speak about topics that are raised during the meetings. "Many people might not know at the beginning of the meeting what will transpire during the meeting, and if we give them time at the end they could ask their questions," he said. "If we are talking open meetings, then we could include two public forums."

Matela tabled the discussion because not all members of the board were present to be involved in it. Trustee Peter DeToy had been excused from the meeting.

In other matters, the board:

  • Heard from Police Chief Daniel Varrenti regarding a phone call he received at home from an angry citizen. "My daughters were scared and my wife was upset and I know that someone on this board gave out my home phone number," he said.

    Wexler said he took exception to Varrenti saying someone on the board gave out the phone number. Wexler said if Varrenti knows who gave out his phone number then he should press charges.

  • Fire Chief Christian McCullough reported that there have been 444 ambulance calls year to date. There have also been 228 fire calls.

  • Approved procession and parade applications from: SUNY Walk for Youth for May 1; CROP Walk on May 2 and a Memorial Day parade on May 29.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 19 at 7 p.m.