Diary stories of Holocaust children on display

Hilton's Merton Williams Middle School students on the eighth grade Kappa 8 Team in studying the wars of the 20th century including the Holocaust of WWII, researched, wrote and created a museum of displays in the school's library. "Students researched true stories, then wrote probable diary entries based on what they discovered about children's experiences in the Holocaust," said English Language Arts teacher Holly Saglibene-Muldoon. In addition to the written works, students found photographs, illustrations and other memorabilia of the holocaust including a partial list of those on Schindler's list. A visitor, Henry Silberstern, of the 89 Birkenau children who were spared death, came to the school to talk to students about his experience. The Birkenau Boys were 89 Jewish boys who became slave laborers at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp while their families were sent away to be killed. The middle school's eighth grade class trip to Washington, DC, which will be held May 24-28 this year, includes a visit to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.