Chili Lions elect officers for 2004-2005

The Lions Club of Chili unanimously elected the following Lions to serve as officers from July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005: President: Keith Bozek; 1st Vice President: Colleen Dachille; 2nd Vice President Bonnie Platt; 3rd Vice President: Charles Prevost; Secretary: Enrique H. Miyares, Jr.; Treasurer: Margaret Pepper; Lion Tamer: Tom Platt; Tail Twister: Dominic Fantauzzo; Directors, First Year: Frank Austin and Lucille Connell; Second Year: Anita Fantauzzo and Arthur Jones; Membership Committee: Jean Jones; Immediate Past President: Millie Thurley.

The installation of these officers will take place at the regular meeting on June 8.