Girl Scout Leader Day

More than 5,000 adult volunteers are the cornerstone of the local Girl Scout program. Please join the Girl Scouts of Genesee Valley in applauding their contributions on Girl Scout Leader Day, April 22.

Girl Scout volunteers work together to plan field trips and activities for the girls at the troop, service unit and council levels. The Girl Scout program builds self-esteem, leadership and decision-making skills. Our volunteer's role in developing our nation's next generation of mothers, professional women, leaders and volunteers is vitally important. We appreciate all the things they do to help Girls Grow Strong.

Girl Scouting has produced leaders throughout its history. Research shows that Girl Scouting has a positive impact on adult women's lives including their ability to work with others and make friends, to develop moral values and self-confidence and to develop closer relationships with their daughters.

More caring adults (women, parents, non-parents and men) are needed to make Girl Scouting available to every girl, everywhere. Your short- or long-term commitment with help influence tomorrow's leaders. Training (such as basic leadership training, CPR and outdoor skills) is available. New volunteers can complete training this summer and start new troops in the fall. To become a Girl Scout volunteer, call 292-5160 today and mentor someone remarkable.